Apocalypse World: The Legend of Dapper Joe - Part 1 Apocalypse WorldTerribleWarriorsJuly 6, 2017derek burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, William Mitchell, Wes Gunn, powered by the apocalypse, apocalypse world, con bravo
Apocalypse World: Sanctuary - Part 1 Apocalypse WorldTerribleWarriorsJuly 4, 2017bre poisonne, Cassie Chui, Conal MacBeth, Justin Ecock, Steve Saylor, Tom White, powered by the apocalypse, apocalypse world, con bravo
Suicide Squad - Vol. 2: Part 2 Suicide SquadTerribleWarriorsJune 29, 2017derek burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, William Mitchell, dc adventures, suicide squad
TAKEOVER - Part 2 Monday Night WARTerribleWarriorsJune 27, 2017wwwrpg, powered by the apocalypse, Justin Ecock, Julian Spillane, Nug Nahrgang, Anthony Sardinha, David Ross, vance brews, wrestling
Suicide Squad: Volume 2 - Part 1 Suicide SquadTerribleWarriorsJune 22, 2017derek burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, William Mitchell, dc adventures