Noirlandia: Smoke & Mirrors - The Epilogue NoirlandiaTerribleWarriorsMay 3, 2017Shane Fitzgerald, Shane Baelish, bre poisonne, Justin Ecock, noirlandia
Noirlandia: Smoke & Mirrors - Part 4 NoirlandiaTerribleWarriorsMay 2, 2017noirlandia, Shane Fitzgerald, Shane Baelish, bre poisonne, Justin Ecock
Valemount: The Lillenburg Murders - Part 1 ValemountTerribleWarriorsApril 27, 2017Valemount, Questlandia, Fate Core, derek burrow, Wes Gunn, William Mitchell
MASKS Volume 2 - Episode 2 MasksTerribleWarriorsApril 25, 2017bre poisonne, Justin Ecock, derek burrow, Scotty Bordas, Bernard, powered by the apocalypse, masks: the new generation
The Strange - Part 12 The StrangeTerribleWarriorsApril 20, 2017derek burrow, William Mitchell, Shane Fitzgerald, Wes Gunn, Cameron Dunn, The Strange