The Secrets of Cats of Gravity Falls - Episode 4 The Secrets of CatsTerribleWarriorsFebruary 23, 2017derek burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, Sera Prokopiw
Mutants in Orbit - Part 4 Mutants in OrbitTerribleWarriorsFebruary 21, 2017Mike Dodd, Julian Spillane, derek burrow, Justin Ecock, mutants in orbit, Palladium
The Secrets of Cats of Gravity Falls - Episode 3 The Secrets of CatsTerribleWarriorsFebruary 16, 2017derek burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, Sera Prokopiw, gravity falls
MASKS - Episode 1 MasksTerribleWarriorsFebruary 14, 2017Orie Falconer, Justin Ecock, Erika Szabo, jenn walker, powered by the apocalypse
The Secrets of Cats of Gravity Falls - Episode 2 The Secrets of CatsTerribleWarriorsFebruary 9, 2017derek burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, Sera Prokopiw