Star Trek: Adventures - Living Campaign - Jim Johnson Interview


Space, the thing we have to cross...
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Horizon.
Its ongoing mission, to seek out new life, to swear it was on stun the whole time, and to boldly claim WE CAN FIX IT!

After completing the latest chapter in the ongoing Star Trek: Adventures "Living Campaign" from Modiphius, Justin and Josh sat down with writer and game designer Jim Johnson to talk about the adventure he wrote!

Jim Johnson sits on the writing team for Star Trek: Adventures and as well as writing credits in other games has written officially licensed Star Trek novels and penned fiction and non-fiction stories in worlds of his creation. He also wrote Convoy SE-119 that we just completed! He 'gets' what sort of challenges come with writing for a Star Trek game and was really excited to tell us all about how the process goes. 

You can find more of Jim's work at 

Follow him on Twitter @scribe_ineti 

And if you would like to pitch a story idea for Star Trek: Adventures you can send your email to 

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Terrible Warriors: Justin Ecock, Josh Barbeau, and Jim Johnson

"Star Trek: Adventures" published by Modiphius Entertainment


Terrible Warriors: Justin Ecock, Josh Barbeau, and Jim Johnson

Album Art: Justin Ecock

"Star Trek: Adventures" published by Modiphius Entertainment