Root: The Crosspatch Gang (4 of 4)
Root: The Tabletop RPG is currently in kickstarter! Right now! To support this game and make sure it gets made click here!
Every clearing that the Crosspatch Gang flees to they find themselves fleeing from. I'm sure Lindberry will be different right? Once they deal with this raven standing in the road...
Daniel, Sean, Julian, and Natalie join GM Justin in this exciting kickstarter special promoting Root: The Tabletop RPG by Magpie Games
Consider backing this game today by visiting the Root Kickstarter page!
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Terrible Warriors Twitter = @dicewarriors Instagram = @terriblewarriors
Justin = @MrEcock
Daniel = @danielhkwan
Julian = @JulianSpillane
Sean = @passitalong
Nat = @chaoticrogue
book Justin today to run your game at the Storm Crow Manor in Toronto, Ontario by visiting!
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