Rocket Resistance: Aftermath (4 of 4)
Six years after our first Pokemon Tabletop adventure began we're returning for one more absurd romp through the tall grass.
Zapdos vs Zapdos. Childhood friend vs Childhood friend. Maniacal Cult Leader vs Subservient Underling. Friendships will be tested, rivals will be rivaled, and at the end of this hour we'll all ask ourselves the same question "why are we doing this"?
This Pokemon RPG is played using Fiasco!
Julian, Cassie, Orie, Bre, and Justin are all back together in Rocket Resistance: Aftermath
Find the gaming materials that Julian made for this campaign exclusively on Patreon:
And special thanks to the Pokemon Tabletop community who created the original ruleset we used all those years ago and are entirely to blame for everything we've done since:
Terrible Warriors: Justin Ecock, Julian Spillane, Cassie Chui, Orie Falconer, and Bre Poisonne
Follow us on Twitter and/or Instagram!
Terrible Warriors Twitter = @dicewarriors Instagram = @terriblewarriors
Justin = @MrEcock
Julian = @JulianSpillane
Cassie = @d20love
Orie = @OFalconer
Bre = @Poisonneus
book Justin today to run your game at the Storm Crow Manor in Toronto, Ontario by visiting!