Dear Great Cthulhu 01: Heralds of the Old Ones

We continue where we left of last week and create the Heralds that we will play in our Actual Play of Dear Great Cthulhu, Please Stop Giving Me Superpowers! 

In this episode we go from having no characters, no setting, and nothing to worry about to be being embroiled in a tense community where if we lose focus for even one day we may literally be devoured by a mysterious void that lives next door! 

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Our players are Justin Ecock, Velvet Duke, and Euan

Justin Ecock is our audio editor.

Theme music is by Epic Game Music

Dear Great Cthulhu, Please Stop Giving Me Superpowers! is created by Darla Burrow. Visit her store at and follow her on Twitter @basicnbizarre